Sound Journey

Anita Cassidy Bowman
Practitioner and Teacher of
Sound Healing

I believe that my appreciation for and ever-deepening connection with the natural world and greater cosmos has expanded my ability to energetically support others and myself, alongside the therapeutic
qualities of world sound healing instruments and voice.
For 25+ years, I have explored the traditional vocal music therapy and devotional songs of India, integrating the knowledge I’ve gained into the meditation and Nada (sound) Yoga classes I facilitated.
Sound and Serenity invites you to explore a variety of therapeutic sound, energy medicine and meditation practices, including auditory and vocal workshops, private practitioner and group experiences, video and audio downloads to assist you in creating greater health, harmony, balance and relaxation.

Read about some student workshop experiences below.

A Student’s Experience creating Medicine with her Drum.

As part of her leaning module ‘Sound Healing with Rhythm and Drums’, student Alana B. grounded, cleansed and centred herself and her space before her practice client - let’s call her Ti - arrived. She made Ti welcome and comfortable on a treatment bed, then created a deep heart connection with her before assessing her subtle energy body and physical well-being using sound. She then played her instrument, a hand-made Medicine drum, nourishing Ti’s energy body where needed, and dispersing old and unwanted energy, before finally releasing any excess with a rain stick and soft shaker. She then gave Ti space to lie in silence; space for the medicine to be integrated.

Alana shared her client’s response to the experience:

  “‘Ti felt like a new person after the session. She felt like her throat chakra was un-blocked and released for the first time in years. She felt she could breathe better, her sciatica disappeared and she felt like she had more energy, which she felt was depleted prior to the session.  Ti felt complete body relaxation, her stomach was less inflamed, the pain in her belly disappeared and she felt tingly in a good way.”

“Ti had an emotional release the following day. She purged and explained that since her session it’s the first time in 18 months that she hadn’t had a sore throat.”

How marvellous!

When asked how she felt the treatment went, Alana replied, “During our connection, I welcomed Oneness with Ti, I made a deep heart- felt connection with her. I knew she would receive the healing she needed as she was so open to receiving. I love using instruments and sound therapy as a way to support others and their bodies in their own healing process.”

So do we.

Sound Healing and Sound Therapy are growing fields in Energy Medicine and in the orthodox science and medical fields, too. They originate from a knowledge and understanding of frequency, vibration and rhythm. Most of us in this field are aware of well-known historical figures, ahead of their time, such as Einstein, who also understood the relevance of this truth:

"Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies" - Albert Einstein

 Jump on board to find this out for yourself.

Find a workshop course near you to learn how to give and receive sound healing. You’ll love it.

“I would highly recommend Anita's magical sound healing. Her voice is beautiful and the energy of the whole experience is definitely something to be experienced. Simply amazing.”

—Kate Glason

Try a 1 on 1 session and
see if it’s right for you.