Sound & Serenity Music

Therapeutic use of Music

Therapeutic music supports better health, well-being and healing from physical, mental, emotional, soul or spirit concerns. It is ideally created and performed by people who hold a high vibrational frequency of love, encompassing compassion, good will and selfless healing attention.

Therapeutic music can be listened to through many and varied applications and venues, such as in one’s home or at the park listening to a brass band. Often musicians, choirs and sound healers will visit local community centres, homes for elderly, healthcare facilities and hospitals to support well-being and transition back to health. With live music, the vibration or energy of the loving attention and focused healing intentions of the musicians can be felt and enjoyed by the listeners. The pure joy of the human spirit sharing in such an environment expands through a space, just as a light expands through darkness, creating a powerful therapeutic attunement.

Mankind’s therapeutic use of music for healing is ancient, encompassing diverse cultural peoples, instruments and practices. In more modern times, we are also touched and inspired by the classical composers, such as Mozart; Pythagorus’s ‘Music of the Spheres’, the soothing sounds of Gregorian chants, meditation and relaxation music, and so on... there are too many examples to note here.. . In fact, music and humanity are intimately entwined. This is understandable when we consider that we are our own orchestras: complex organisms of sound, complex symphonies of electromagnetic vibratory frequencies. When we are well, our whole being resonates in harmony. When we are ill, there is disharmony somewhere; therefore, bringing therapeutic music into our biofields will aid the return journey towards good health.

Music of the Plant World

Find a comfortable place to sit outside for half an hour and open wide your hearing. Listen with more than your ears, but with the organ of your skin, the largest organ of the body, to the plant world around you: the breeze as it swishes through grass and blows through leaves and stems: stroking, rustling, whistling through long branches. This is an enjoyable and deeply meditative experience, an experience that brings heightened sensory attention as well as stillness, relaxation, appreciation, joy and connection with our surrounding environment, as well as our inner sensory world. You will awaken from this experience to wonder “Why have I not done this before?” The sound of wind whispering through the trees is called ‘Psithurism’, a word that itself sounds like its meaning when spoken quietly. Try it. Looking up this word, I found a wonderful and fitting quote for these topics of sound, nature and music: "Another day the sweet south is blowing; do you not see how the larch and lime palpitate with pleasure?. . . do you not hear the musical psithurism of the feathered foliage?” - Mortimer Collins, The Secret of a Long Life.

In this listening exercise, we can enjoy the interplay between the elements , appreciating that without the plant world, the wind would not so often be heard, and equally, without the wind, the plants, too, might not be given a voice to sing. Yet, there is now another means to hear the sounds of the plant world. Music of the Plants is a marvellous bamboo device made by in Damanhur, near Turin in northern Italy, which allows us to hear the symphony of sounds created by the electromagnetic activity of the plant world. In the words of the Damanhur Community, research since the 1970’s aimed for the equipment to be “capable of capturing the changes in potential between the surface of leaves and the root systems and turning them into sounds” through a synthesiser. The drive behind this was a “desire for deep contact” with the natural world.

Hearing the music of the plants allows us to experience their innate intelligence as they respond to their environment and to the experience of hearing themselves, and they often change their patterns of activity, imitating or harmonising in response, it seems, to introduced sounds - instruments or voice - in their immediate environment. I have made many humble recordings of herbs and flowering plants myself using this miraculous little device, which I will share at some point. However, there are some musicians who have developed the art of sharing their instruments and unique musicality with the plants in their lives. Listen, for example, to the beautiful harmony created by pianist and Tulsi plant in the following video:

Devotional Music

This song is an excerpt from the ancient Indian text, the Bhagavat Gita - or Song of the Divine, which contains many beautiful verses and poems. A translation is: 'Of light, you are the radiant sun; of stars, you are the shining moon; of peace, you are the endless calm; of life, you are the perfect breath'. I believe this is the essence of all of us, so this song is dedicated to you! Infinite love and bliss~~

Himalayan Singing Bowls' Meditation 1

These Himalayan singing bowls, made in both India and Nepal, are perfect for meditation. Enjoy the long resonance of the tones and the multiple harmonic overtones created by the interaction and overlapping of frequencies. These healing, low frequencies guide us into a state of relaxation. Take a few minutes to centre and retune. Begin by adjusting the body so that you feel completely and comfortably supported by the seat on which you sit. Take a few breaths, consciously connecting your awareness with your breath… I am breathing in, I am breathing out ... Then open your ears. Listen and breathe.
Allow your attention to expand beyond the body. In and out, in and out.
Release any tension with each outbreath, … relax deeply, … more deeply into stillness… Surround yourself with an orb of beautiful light.

“I would highly recommend Anita's magical sound healing. Her voice is beautiful and the energy of the whole experience is definitely something to be experienced. Simply amazing.”

—Kate Glason