Sound and Serenity

Sound and Serenity Services

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Learn more about the services we offer below

Sound healing academy IN-PERSON training

I am an Associate tutor and teacher/trainer with the Sound Healing Academy, international, which is now widespread throughout the world. Our sound healing courses offer you first-class education and practical experience with trained and experienced Australian practitioners. You will feel confident, prepared and excited to start your sound healing journey after taking our courses.

  • Certified and Professional Diploma courses - Blending workshop training in Maleny, Chuwar and Brisbane, Queensland, and Coffs Harbour, NSW.. We teach Single -Instrument or Multi-Instrument at level 1, exploring Tibetan and Crystal Singing Bowls, Tuning Forks, Medicine Drum, Gong and Voice..

  • With our Diploma Level 2 courses, you can choose to become professionally qualified working with a variety of specialised groups; such as public groups, meditation, yoga and people with Alzheimer’s disease, to name a few, or you can focus more personally on learning to work with people in 1-2-1 therapy..Some students take both of these courses, as well as single-instrument workshops.

  • Workshop-only training is also available at any of the above events.

sound and serenity workshops

These workshops offer a blend of deep meditation, sound, vibration, colour and breathwork healing techniques and experiences, in addition to exploring the subtle energy realms of the multi-dimensional human, techniques for clearing and building a healthy, balanced, coherent energy body and environment. Workshops are 1 to 4 days. They are based on my varied and extensive training and lifelong passion for learning and healing self, others and the planet through the high vibration of sound, music, meditation, nature and pure love.

sound therapy

Sound therapy sessions for relaxation, healing and rejuvenation with a variety of instruments, including crystal and Himalayan singing bowls, Pythagorean monochord, tuning forks, bells, gongs, medicine drum and vocal toning:

  • Individual sound healing - One -to-one sound healing sessions offer the opportunity to relax and release from stress and anxiety, whilst the body’s energetic biological and electrical field is re-tuned using a variety of sound healing instruments and voice. Intentional, heart-directed sound supports the clearing and harmonising of deep emotional and physical stress in the body that has sometimes laid dormant for a lifetime.

  • Story Sound Baths incorporate ancient ‘mythical’ stories and wisdom, earth or cosmic journeys in which we travel together through sound waves of clearing and empowerment..

  • Sound Baths for a variety of groups and venues, such as:

    General Public; Yoga and Meditation Groups; Ceremonies and Rituals; Fairs and Festivals; Sacred Dance; Schools; Retirement Homes; People with Autism; People with Dementia or Alzheimer’s; Mothers and Young Children; People with Cancer; People in Corporate and Other Orgnisations.

  • For those interested in experiencing a healing session with two practitioners, my partner and I occasionally offer sound and light energy work using the combined male and female voices.


Vocal toning and singing to align and rebalance your body's subtle energy fields, creating a sense of deep joy and well-being.

  • Workshops exploring a variety of vocal toning practices from around the world

  •  Learning to sing mantra and devotional chants and songs from diverse global cultures

  •  Celebrate and help to heal our Earth Mother with songs and chants of nature

  • Free your voice to connnect with your essential Self as a being of both Earth and the Cosmos.

Meditation Classes

Beginners Classes
Intermediary and Advanced Classes

Sound and music are often present in these gentle, yet transformative experiences.

Meditation can be defined as either a state of quiet contemplation upon a spiritual or philosophical matter, or the attainment of a peaceful mind that is free from the onslaught of continual thoughts: an unattached observer to the living force that flows within and without. The latter definition applies to the state of meditation that so many people seek to achieve to help them find stillness and enjoyment in the wonder of each moment.

Being in a state of thoughtless awareness gives our minds time off, not only to witness the reality of the moment, but to allow space for re-balance and rejuvenation. Our subtle bodies, as well as our physical bodies, lean naturally towards a state of health and harmony, but for this to occur there needs to be ample rest, to allow the release of waste and energetic heat.  When the awareness is in the present - or timeless - moment, rather than dwelling too frequently in the past or the future, many wonderful things happen. We become more fully aligned, thus connected, with each other and our living planet, a position that allows us to perceive more clearly what needs to be done, if anything, to support the nourishment and development of ourselves and each other. In meditation alone or together, we can take the time to enjoy the opening of ourselves to pure love - the most powerful energy in the universe - and direct it towards our own health and healing and that of all other beings. In doing so, we support the evolution of planetary consciousness.

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Whilst living in the past is not helpful to achieving a state of inner peace, the prevailing idea that the past is past and should be given no further heed or contemplation is a misconception; for although there is an element of reality in this idea, there can also be a denial of the relevance of experience. For if we disregard the potential of every experience to teach us, to open our hearts to greater understanding, compassion, wisdom and love, then we may as well be mindless drones, rather than human beings. Let’s not deny the importance of the long and winding paths that brought us to this present point in time. Our past has influenced who and where we are now and what we are here to achieve, no matter how seemingly humble. I see clearly that who I am now is a product of all my experiences - my relationships -  with the world that I co-create.  Challenges and difficulties are not burdens to be bitter about, but invaluable teachers that can be appreciated for their gifts of patience, discernment, forgiveness and empathy. Equally, we can project positive intentions towards the paths of diverse and colourful experience, collaboration and learning that continue before us into the sunset of life on Mother Earth and beyond. Hence, all moments are relevant, adding to our self-knowledge and connection with all existence.

When we look on the internet for meditation classes and courses, we find a multitude of choices. Many great people over millennium have brought us ways to awaken, clarify and help develop our humanity, and some paths may suit some, but not others. And some methods may be suitable for a time, but not for always. This is wonderful, for we are all here to develop different aspects of ourselves through our experiences. The support, guidance and inspiration of others is highly beneficial and rewarding, but acknowledging the wisdom we innately have within us is truly paramount. The more of us who look within with gentle kindness and discernment, the more quickly our collective human consciousness will rise to a far higher vibrational level.


A rapid rise in collective consciousness, we see, is occurring right now. Such a process has been taking place in leaps and bounds since the late 1960's and early 70's; however, most recently we are witnessing the daily exposure of falsehood in all areas of society, reflecting the growing power of light over darkness, clarity over confusion. So, despite the illusion - if you engage with media hype- that the world is a scary place, millions of people are accessing and connecting with each other through relaxing, joy-giving music; a diversity of energetic healing and consciousness raising modalities; projects to support truth and global issues; and meditative and nature-focused practices. Let us support this collective transformation.

The classes I offer merge my experience and understanding of cleansing and strengthening the subtle energy field through guided attention, affirmation, vocal toning, movement and song, with a particular focus on strengthening our connection with Mother Earth and Source energy. I know we are capable of awakening the great ocean of pure love and creative power that is our innate nature, because I believe that this is what we came here to do. We only need to remember this fact to facilitate the deepening of our immense spiritual potential. So, if you feel inspired to do so, please join me. I joyfully welcome your presence.